About Me
Photography has been both an evolution and a life saver for me. Over a dozen years ago a great friend, who is part of the Brewery Artists Lofts in Los Angeles, invited me to join his online group study.
It explored light, motion, and colour. The group consisted of a host of established artists, and me. I was excited and also unsure as to why I was asked. My friend told me I always had an eye and that I belonged. I will forever be grateful.
That study, those photos, first on an old phone and then a wee Canon Powershot, kept me sane during one of the most stressful times in my life. And though the study ended, it left me with a foundation that is now integrated into my view. Even though it was a few years later before I began to seriously shoot, I was a changed person.
I am also deeply thankful to those dear people in my life, who saw something happening and pushed me through. They support me to this day.
I think I am still evolving. I hope I always will. And while I do enjoy coastal scenes, deep in my soul. Street photography has claimed me. It has become how I breathe, walk and see.

For inquiries on sales of Limited Editions, please send me a message!
All Content Copyright © Missy Brinkmeyer